Thursday, July 31, 2008

i gave up giving a title for this post. hahahahh!

just now was my first official gathering at tpsu lounge:)
in lieu of ector's first dinner gathering:)) hehehez.

anyways...learnt some stuff from kah yuen. how the duty works and stuffs.
swear i learnt so much about ector people today.
they are damn fun lah. and super sporting. bahahah! (*evil laugh)

i think i'll do ABCs of ector.
A-wesomeness like totally!
B-abes are super hot
C-atwoman is our idol
D-isgustingly creative (*gasp- soon kueh! drinks/food/clothings)
F-ish love ector!
G-uys got lotsa enthu power!
H-appy people:))
I-nteresting magic shows! (go alson! woots!)
J-ohn & jessy is just the definition of coolness
K-illingkiss is the email address i always see informing me of meetups n stuff(that's jiayi aka town btw, my sister. heheh!)
L-atif is super funny. really. his expression, priceless.
M-eaningless cheers! WEEE!
N-erds are loved. especially those thick-glasses<33
O-pposites attract:)
P-ool is the game our guys play. me? i don't even noe its called pool.
Q-ueen of excalibur:) (considering we got 2nd. but chess, we rule! hah!)
R-ui heng is my lounge duty partner!
S-o love my girlfriends met there!
T-aking photos are weird:)
U-nderstatement if u call us hyper! WWOOO!! (we rock the cheer team!)
V-ery understanding (lets face it, we're proactive)
W-E ARE A TEAM! hahahs!
eX-tra good with inventive stuff
Y-ESSA! is a common word:)
braZ-illian YO! (wee eugene!)

k done. hehe! tmr we all dressing up as catwomen. can't wait seh. it'll be damn weird cum funny cum everything mashed together. hahahahh!

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