Wednesday, July 9, 2008

from: INvoKe.SG

The Purr-fect Partner
Jul 7, '08 4:07 AMfor everyone

So what’s your type?

They say every good girl needs a guy with an attitude. Oooh.. And then there’s the smooth poster-boy types, which I guess are okay if one’s in the market for the kind of lurvinn that sells greeting cards. *wink Personally, pretty boys don’t interest me much. A guy who looked as though, he’d lived, crossed a few lines and would cross a few more. Uh-hmm now we’re talking.

So guy takes you out right. Picture this. Guy buys you chocolate. Flowers. The book you wanted from Borders. Whoever said that men don’t pay attention to details. Takes you to a meal. Your heart goes poo-pah. Hallmark moment in the relationship. Okay then comes the party pooper. One word: Parents-supplied-money. From his clothes (you think is such good taste) to the bus fare to the... well basically everything. Yah but it’s the thought that counts so you say. Ok let’s think about the parents working to earn.

So my point being? Bottom line, guys if you can’t even afford a decent meal, it’s not yet time to earn her love. And Girls, using parent’s money to swoon you over is not character. I’m just not sold on charm. Especially sponsored charm. Trying to be charming with parent’s money eh. Burst bubble sey. Maybe it’s an ugly thing to say. Yeah well maybe gifts and looks can’t bring food on the table. *ouch So… perfect partner = someone who can at least stand on his own two feet.

Then there are girls who prefer to couch the perfect partner in qualities, “It’s the qualities that matter. Nice, a gentleman, sincere, loyal, understanding.” I’ve always wondered what is nice, what is sincere, what is loyal, and what is ‘famous’ all understandin gentleman? Think about this: the guy is ‘nice’ (buys you gifts, treats you nice), ‘sincere’ (the gifts as proof of his sincerity in the relationship, ‘loyal’ (well he buys you the gifts, no other) and ‘understanding’ (girls need to be pampered now and then) – with money that is not his. I don’t know about you if there is to be mutual respect between me and the purrrfect partner, then he’s gotta have at least a backbone. And a sense of responsibility.

So, whoever said that girls have impossibly high expectations?

(i tot the post was damn nice. so have to display right? hehehehs!)

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