Thursday, November 29, 2007


while awaiting calls from future employers who i must say take a very, very long time to call me back, i'm spending time with my family and friends. and also, not forgetting, myself.

i've used all sources to search out unmarried cousins' contacts. this is made to strenghten our ties. my idea. good isn't it? hahahaa. self-praise lifts up one's esteem and bring down one's morale. i must strive to remember that.

i've talked and discussed many issues with my family members, from teenage issues affecting people my age, to financial and religious issues that affects me as a whole. i must say its been an enriching experience for both the body and soul.

i've read and re-read books which i never notice were actually at home. and i've learnt a lot of stuffs from mum, mostly the household stuff. HEY! it's interesting ok. do you know that you can use the sides of the bread, which people usually cut away, to make some delicious kuih called kuih kukus? and its so easy to make; add coconut milk and sugar and coluring and just steam it! i'm starting to sound like chef wan here. anyway, besides the point, i've learnt about many things in my family and i wouldn't share it to public. its confidential. akunye pasal ah aku nak share ke tak nak, yang kau kepo sangat nak tau asal? tak de kerje lain ke? ok. i was talking to me again. just for the record, there is me, myself and i. me is myselfnye concience. myself is the sensible one and she does everything. don't push it! ok fine and i am the one who controls everybody else's actions. so everyone has a place and sometimes it gets a little crowded.

so now to calm everyone down and to do something which makes everyone happy, i've gone through the effort of moving myself to the library and get me a book to read. look, i used all, me, myself and i in the job to get a new book. cool huh? shut up i. shut up myself. say sorry both of you. now. before me gets angry.

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