so its been raining, and today is the first official lag day of my hols. (*CLAPS!!)
i'm supposed to be doing accounting practices but wa liao, with muscles aching and everything...
i'm supposed to be doing accounting practices but wa liao, with muscles aching and everything...
yesterday's post did no justice to all the tiresome stuff i've been doing. i'm still sketching out the designs in my room, working on my tajwid (some religious stuff), memorising 2 different doas, for my ASAD and my prayers. hahahas. all that is not inclusive of the uber tiring but super sumo fun of practices. seriously rite, i think by the time i have my next BIT test at silat, i'll lose like 5kg already to go down to a different class. btw, i'm releasing my weight in the next line.
i'm in class C. wakakakaks! go work that out!
OUH!! I FEEL DAMN SAD! :((( cos dis sat tak leh gi tp and rp friendly cos i got dental and ASAD. waaaa! there goes my chance. but rite, i'm hoping that my dental will end early then maybe can squeeze some time to watch and support TP silat:). but fat hope ah seriously. outram ain't all customer-friendly service shits. so yah... haizzz....
so that's what we think about saturday! boo!!
let's look on the brighter side! besides getting skin cuts and muscles worked off the limit, i laughed my ass off there! TP SILAT PPL UBER ROCKS UR SOCKS OFF!! WOOTSS! damn sad i never join them earlier. erin is super joker. bahahahahahahs! L.O.L NAK MAMPOS PUNYE!!
me: "name kau harry?"
erin: "aku korek telinga kau pakai senduk baru tau! E-RIN lah!"
mind you yesterday's rain was super heavy and noisy so pardon me for my 99-yr-old hearing! wakakakakkas!
ouh rite. i forgot again. samba got prac again! woots! for the St. Patrick's day celebration performance. awesome lah. i miss samba like crapps! seriously. and suzy's dad passed away last saturday. Al-fatihah. may suzy be strong to face the challenges ahead and noe we will always be by ur side:)
results day is next week thursday. if i were to fail, i dunno wat to do. mcm nak drop out je. haizzz...
stanley has been uber funny wif his smses and pm. roflmao kind of things. i cant remember wat the joke was about but it was darn good, like McCafe's brownies! bahahahas:)
last weekend was great lah. if i has another one like dat, i think my life would be over-satisfied. bahahahahs! ouh and shoutout, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUDA!!
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