Wednesday, March 11, 2009


i having a severely depressing day. woke up to my mum's nagging and juhana's message that today NO GYM! :( boo!

and today need to rush from samba cos got briefing at gelanggang for this sat. :(( double boo!

and the MOST DEPRESSING IS THIS SMS I GOT. from 74688. yes it's my results. and i have this depressing feeling that i'm gonna have to take supp. cos i got D+ for FA2. i think that's a fail. and the other subjects which i had hoped will help pull up my GPA didn't do their job. got a BLOODY B FOR OB!! FROM HIGH SCORING A!! wt.. and MBS GOT C!! so pissed! and my freehand drawing GOT B+!! B+ LEH!! MY HOPES ARE LIKE CRUSHED! cos i'm supposedly the only student who had never missed any lesson and NOW I GOT A B+. when i've been scoring As for most of my artworks. SO BLOODY ANGRY LAH!! BOOO!!!~~

and TP WEBBIE IS SUPER LAGGIE! don't cross my way today. cos i'll be as black as the sky right now! ~CRAPS!~ dis is SO NOT ME!! waaaaa:'(((

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