Wednesday, February 27, 2008

making changes

i feel like changing my blogskin. so i'll do it. i call today wierd day.
wanna noe why? really? i don't even know why u have so much interest in me. do you like me?

so today i've asked random questions, to both myself and others. and i watched martha steward show and think she's cool. and i even complimented tyra banks on her unsuccesful efforts to try to make people feel beautiful! YOU ARE A SUPERMODEL FOR GOODNESS SAKE!! people say u're beautiful even if u're in ur grandmama's clothes lah! waliao! random siti. angry at nothing. how pathetic. i think i'm really bored. time for new psp to come in. PLEASE?!

and tomorrow's huda b'dae! i'll make a special blog for her tmr. self note, please do not forget about her present! preety please with strawberries and chocolate fudge and marshmallow cream on top???

since today is wierd day. i'll probably put up a wierd blogskin then realise its dumb and feel stupidly bad about it and change it again:)) you'd probably guess by now why i'm such a cold-hearted toad today? nope? fine i'll tell you.

i woke up very late today. and by late i mean it! it was 12.30 pm and the one thing i realised when i open my eyes was the silence of the house. no one was home. i suddenly felt like i was in one of the resident evil scene. and my stomach was growling so very heavily. then i saw IT! a note on the television!! wth! mum listed down all of my chores then wrote at the very bottom, don't forget! do it now! i was fuming already. like the saying goes, a hungry man is an angry man. a hungry girl is a devil's incarnate! so it made sense if i went for a cold bath. showered and guess what i realise during the bath? i can use cold water to shape up my hair and with some help from my handy dandy shampoo i can conform my hair into a lion's mane and a punk rocker's spiky crowning glory! way to go siti! after having a funtime with me, myself and i at the toilet, i wanted to have my hair bald. imagine me hairless!! it'll be a jolly goodtime to give it a try. but i'll risk getting myself banished from the only home i ever knew. i'm not making sense. publishing this:)

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