Monday, May 3, 2010


the world needs no more hatred. no more complaints. no more upset, disappointment, regrets.

trust me... doing all of those, leads to nothing. it doesn't even make u feel that tweeny bit better. sometimes, we do things without thinking about consequences. without sparing a thought for others. sometimes, when we were that selfish, we end up learning, we're left with nothing. no satisfaction from hurting others. no contentment from what evil we've done.

our perception and senses may not be accurate. what we see depends on what we're looking out for ~ john lubbock

prejudice are born from uncertainty, fear of the unknown. Stereotyping prevents you from allowing others to feel accepted and living up to their fullest potential.

my final words to all my beloved, be it acquaintance, friends. my sisters. my family.

put yourself in another's shoes, treat others as you want to be treated. it's because we're different, we have different perspectives. but no matter how apart we are, we must accept that we are born into the society we live in now. our family is our biggest society. family by blood, by bond, by experience, by life. the family which bred us to be who we are.

friends come and go. and honestly, i wouldn't wanna let a temporary change me. temporaries like crushes, like stalkers, like haters or people who'd really wanna bring you down, cos they can.

so if you see as imperfect, maybe it's about time you try looking out for other qualities within me, those you might have heard about, but never got to experience for yourself.

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