Wednesday, March 17, 2010

sometimes... just sometimes, people should look into themselves, for those flaws they kept pointing out to others, cos at the end of the day, to swallow your own words would be the toughest thing yet.

sometimes...just sometimes, after a decision is made, after a plan is confirmed, we just have to let go and let it flow. cos in life, we have to be content, knowing we did the best we could and the rest is up to God's will. cos nothing is bigger. its just that. we should rest in peace, knowing we did the prevention instead of the cure. knowing we've done our best, to save others instead of ourselves.

sometimes...just sometimes, hypocrites don't even realise they are who they are. and sad to say, try as i might not to judge a certain group of people, cos tt will affect my judgement of their true characters at the end, when u at last see their true colours, doing so in the first place won't make a diff. cos they are BORN TO BE. they are who they are. @#$%^&*@#$%^&*!

sometimes...just sometimes, there're people appearing along the way, putting grease on your road to success. and sometimes, there're people putting rocks there. no matter what they do, we must not lose that road we're on. no matter what, we must persevere. no matter what, our life principles can never be contradicted. our main goal should never be deterred.

sometimes...just sometimes, after letting go, after shaking loose, we realise everything isn't all that hard. we find out, everything in life is plain and simple. we see, money's not everything. sure it can help a hell lot. but the essence of life comes from something only you can control. mind over matter;)

sometimes...just sometimes, when you feel you've grown mature too fast, you stop to see your progress, and you can't help but smile and give yourself that pat on the back. even when the whole world's cursing at you to stop going forward. even when you're misunderstood by everyone. even when the people who are pulling you up, are forcing you to grow up even faster. you control the gear and the wheel girl. and for whatever you have achieved, i'm proud of you. no one else needs to know. no one else can push you down or pull you up. and that's cos your definition of success is your own.

sometimes...just sometimes, its ok to have more than one passion. so what if im in love with learning new stuff? so what if im into designing fashion and art, so what if im into samba & brazil music, so what if im into preserving my culture and religion, so bloody what if i like to do silat? so what if i think whatever im doing right now is perfect, even if whatever you say is also true, about me wasting time, effort and cash on it? so bloody what if i plan to take the longest way to get to where im gonna be later? cos i believe strongly in the journey. life is a process, the whole entire road. not the destination. not many people understand that. not many people understand me. cos they prefer to take the simpler way out. cos they prefer to have the eat-sleep-work life, which i don't think i can live for even a second. im learning now. and im loving every second of it=)

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