Sunday, November 9, 2008

so i'm like duber busy with tuts and stuffs and all.
but here's something i find bloody funny just now.

Ct says:
not fair

Ct says:
ur life is so simple

.Crimsado.Geek. . ` He wants to be the Dolly Parton of the rock world . - says:

.Crimsado.Geek. . ` He wants to be the Dolly Parton of the rock world . - says:
simple is bore. chaos is magic. mistakes are beautiful.

.Crimsado.Geek. . ` He wants to be the Dolly Parton of the rock world . - says:
wow, that's so going on my PM..

Ct says:

&& if anyone wants a tamil lead call my cell. i'm my younger bro's manager:)) heeeeee!

I'D LIKE A FOOT LONG! (inside joke>.< but if u think hard enough u'll get it!)

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